Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dr. Love

I've decided to drop out of my Psychology program and become a professional matchmaker. It seems like all my single friends are coming to me for help.. and/or I'm pushing single friends on other single friends. Don't get me wrong.. I'm not one of those "you're nobody until somebody loves you" people. The only thing more annoying than that song are people who are so insecure in their relationship that they stop having a social life outside of each other. I know which of my friends want a relationship and which ones don't, so I pick and choose.

That was off topic, but it leads up to something I promise.

The concept of LOVE in music. (Because it is mostly a concept in songs) A friend of mine was complaining to me about how she is so annoyed that songs are either about being "so annoyingly in love" or "being so heartbroken you can't eat without barfing." I don't really know where I stand on this, because I think if songs had titles like "My Relationship is Progressing Normally" nobody will listen to it. Though I do realize that among music lovers, the majority seems to love one theme or the other.

That being said, I'm definitely a music fan that loves the heartbroken songs. Perhaps this has to do with my overtly realistic perspective on the world, or maybe it's just because negative emotions are more interesting to me. They tend to be deeper and more complex, and simplicity is rarely done well in songs. Not impossible though, anything can be done well.

I'll leave you with the best of both worlds from the post-punk movement of the late 70s. ( I always go back to this era.. I seriously love it to death) JOY DIVISION and THE CURE. (Off topic anecdote: I got really into The Cure in high school, and tried to pull off my own "Robert Smith." I thought I was so awesome. Then my 7 year old cousin asked me why I looked like a "dead goth" .. I'm serious.)

LOVE RULEZZ Cure style:

LOVE BLOWZ Joy Division style:

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