Friday, April 24, 2009

I love the 2000s..NOT! (..90s joke..)

I seriously miss the 1990s so bad. It was my decade to shine. Sure I was born in the 80s, but the 90s are when I really grew up. I went to two 90s themed parties in one weekend and they were so fun. The second one I went to was more my taste.. it was more just listening to the music and reliving the times.
But seriously, I hear Nirvana on a "Classic Rock" and freaked out. HOW OLD AM I? The music I grew up with is now classic?
Mudhoney - Touch Me I'm sick

I love that clip.

Stemming away from music though.. maybe I'm bias but 90s cartoons/tv were so much better. I used to watch Beetlejuice cartoon religiously, and was absolutely obsessed with the movie. Now all the cartoons are so happy and lame. Everyone shares and has to learn a lesson.. which is good, but come on, sometimes you have to let your kids decompress with some good old fashioned Tim Burton movies!

I miss snap bracelets, plaid, Doc Martens and not giving a crap.